Saturday, November 24, 2012

Griswold's Christmas Vacation

Our holidays have ALWAYS been like a scene out of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  There are the in-laws and parents, the cousin Eddy, and misery to share! "It's Christmas and we're all miserable"--Ellen Griswold.

And yet we can look back and laugh.  Because holidays are about family.  Whether good or bad-they are about being together and sharing that experience and making memories.  As I shared in an earlier post, last Thanksgiving was a difficult one for my family.  My mother showed critical signs of dementia and the need for  nursing care.  As I also shared, my father finally put my mother in a nursing facility that could care properly for her.  That has been difficult. We tried to have a good, normal Thanksgiving this year. And for the most part, we did.  We enjoyed all our children home.   Food, laughter, and movies.

Yesterday (Black Friday), my mother was rushed to the ER for extreme swelling in her legs.  After a series of tests, cancer was found in her stomach and throughout her body.  They sent her back to the nursing home to manage her pain and make her comfortable. It won't be much longer.

My mother had breast cancer 10 years ago and survived it.  We thought the cancer had been beaten.

I thought the Alzheimer's would be her ending legacy.  However, it looks as if I was wrong.  I just want my mom to be released from the extreme pain she is in.  Somehow, someway, I will make this a Christmas free of misery. 

Damn cancer.

(If you were looking for an uplifting post, sorry--this one wasn't it).


  1. I clicked over here from PInterest and I wasn't expecting this… so sorry about your mom. Cancer sucks. No way around that. My mom died of cancer about 13 years ago from lung cancer {aka Train Wreck cancer}. So sorry and I totally understand how all you want is for your mom not to suffer. I hope this journey goes better than expected. So sorry.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Life does throw us curve balls doesn't it? It helps to know others have traveled this road. Peace :)

  2. Not all holidays are joyful, especially when it involves elderly parents. I lost my sister Feb 2010 and my dad Sept 2010. After my sister passed (from falling down her basement stairs) my father gave up. He was in hospice in my mom's home for 15 days after he was hospialized for esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. He had been ill but just gave up. My prayers are with you and your family at this time. It is never fun to watch your parents get older and then sick. Merry Christmas to your family - Christ is what it is about - keep him close at this time. A fan

    1. I am so sorry for your losses. Thank you for sharing your heart. It makes it easier.

  3. i understand and feel your pain...... but whats next..... what is your or her plan of attack.........

    1. Hello Rainbowlory: Thanks for your understanding. No real plans except how to make her comfortable. She also has Alzheimer's--a double whammy so I do not think she understands what is going on. As bad as it sounds, I'm helping plan her funeral. What more can one do?

  4. The greatest thing you could do was to share your story with us so that we know how to pray. In your next days just know that you are lifted by so many others who understand what you will be experiencing. Hugs, hugs and more hugs! Char

    1. Thank you so much Char! That means alot to me. Blessings.

  5. I'm so sorry for your pain... Be practical, and be selfish. Losing your mama sucks, no matter the circumstances, but you've been given warning. Spend the time you have left with her in ways that work best for you. It sounds like her mind has already begun to leave this world, and her body may be soon to follow. But you are still here, and hopefully, you will be here for a good while longer. Take advantage of this time to make peace and say goodbye. Everything that lives, dies. It is up to us that are left to make the best of it. If its any comfort, I've been close w/ several people who had near-death experiences, and they said it was very nice on the other side. They uniformly say that coming back HERE is the hard part!! Lots of love and prayers for YOU. <3

    1. Thank you so much Mindy. I appreciate your kind words.
